
DACHSER on the winner’s podium

For the second time in a row, a DACHSER trainee has won first place in the “Best Trainee” competition organized by the trade journal VerkehrsRundschau. Patrick Lipiec, a trainee in freight forwarding and logistics services in his second year of training at DACHSER’s Hegau-Bodensee logistics center in Steißlingen, won out against more than 1,226 participants.

Patrick Lipiec, winner of Best Azubi 2021; Image source: Jan Scheutzow/Verkehrsrundschau

At the annual competition, the 20-year-old’s answers to 50 challenging questions demonstrated his comprehensive knowledge of logistics and his excellent research skills in the world of logistics. In the end, Lipiec won out against five other competitors who, like him, had achieved the maximum score. It was a tie-breaker that elevated the budding logistics specialist to the winner’s podium. The winner was announced at the VerkehrsRundschau Gala in Munich. “I was very excited, of course, and I was all the more delighted to win first place,” says the up-and-coming logistics specialist proudly.

Zlatko Boskovic, Branch Manager of the DACHSER branch in Steißlingen, is very pleased with this success. “We’re particularly proud that this year, three of our trainees made it into the top ten. It shows again how much you can achieve with expertise, but also when you’re committed to and enjoy the subject.”

Dual work-study program to follow training

Lipiec gives one hundred percent in his training at DACHSER, too. And it pays off: after completing his training, he will begin a dual work-study program at DACHSER Steißlingen. “What I like about logistics is that I get to deal with lots of different people: drivers, customers, and colleagues. The daily routine is extremely varied and no two days are the same,” Lipiec says. Training and opportunities for further education are very important to DACHSER. “We focus on high-quality training and we foster the skills of our employees,” says Vera Weidemann, Head of Corporate Human Resources at the family-owned company.

In VerkehrsRundschau’s ranking of the top ten training companies, which the trade magazine draws up as part of the Best Trainee competition, DACHSER takes second place, making it one of the best training companies again this year. The top 100 trainees include 32 participants from DACHSER alone.

The knowledge competition is one of the most important for prospective freight forwarding and logistics services specialists. In total, more than 20,000 trainees have already competed for the title of “Best Trainee.” “Everyone should take the opportunity to participate in the Best Trainee competition. It’s an incredible opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge,” Lipiec says. For all trainees who want to take part in the competition, he has another tip: “Approach the questions systematically. That should let you score a lot of points.”

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