The future of the hydrogen truck
Hydrogen trucks are considered a promising alternative for emission-free road freight. But before they can be rolled out in large numbers, several technological and economic questions still need to be answered.

Hydrogen (H₂) can be used to power heavy commercial vehicles with practically zero emissions—in other words, without direct emissions of greenhouse gases (especially CO₂) and air pollutants (nitrogen oxides, soot, etc.). That’s why hydrogen trucks are legally defined as zero-emission vehicles in the EU, which means they are given preference when it comes to things like truck tolls or bans on entering city centers.
Yet hydrogen trucks are still lagging behind battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) in terms of technology and implementation. BEV trucks are gradually becoming available as production vehicles for short-distance transport; as of 2025, there will also be long-distance BEV trucks with a range of up to 500 kilometers. In contrast, hydrogen vehicles are available only as prototypes or, in the best case, produced in very small batches. It’s still unclear which hydrogen drive and which refueling method will prevail.
A basic distinction is made between hydrogen trucks with an internal combustion engine (HICEVs) and those with a hydrogen fuel-cell electric powertrain (FCEVs). HICEVs make use of existing combustion and diesel technology: hydrogen is injected into a piston engine and ignited, and the energy released is converted into motion and heat. This technology has its pros and cons. On the pro side, it’s based on today’s mature combustion technology. Right now this is an advantage, but with the increasing shift toward electric-vehicle platforms, it may ultimately prove to be a disadvantage, as OEMs will focus on a single platform in the long term. In addition, HICEVs emit minimal residual quantities of CO₂ and air pollutants. Of the major commercial vehicle manufacturers, MAN, Volvo, and DAF have announced their intention to press ahead with the development of hydrogen ICE technology.
Special focus: The fuel cell
When it comes to hydrogen technologies, most of the leading commercial vehicle manufacturers are turning instead to fuel cells. In a fuel cell, a catalytic reaction takes place that relieves hydrogen atoms of one electron. This generates electricity that is either consumed directly by the electric powertrain or stored in a backup battery. In combination with the oxygen drawn in, the reaction produces water vapor (H₂O) and heat as waste products. The FCEV truck is based on e-mobility platforms and the technology is more efficient than comparable hydrogen ICE drives. Daimler Trucks, Volvo, and Iveco in particular are working on FCEV concepts for truck tractors and already have prototypes on the road. However, genuine production vehicles with an associated service network won’t be announced before the end of the decade. South Korean manufacturer Hyundai is currently producing a small batch of FCEV trucks featuring the XCIENT Fuel Cell, and DACHSER has been using a Hyundai hydrogen vehicle and trailer in two-shift operation for over a year. With a range of over 400 kilometers, the vehicle usually commutes between its home base in Magdeburg (the state capital of Saxony-Anhalt) and Berlin without any problems.
DACHSER has been using a Hyundai hydrogen vehicle and trailer in two-shift operation for over a year.
Fuel-cell technology itself is already quite mature in trucks; what’s missing is a standard for storing hydrogen in the vehicle. Three systems are jockeying for position here: Storing gaseous hydrogen in gas cylinders pressurized to 350 bar is standard in city buses and, for example, in Hyundai trucks as well. The 350-bar technology is tried and tested, and the number of filling stations using this technology is correspondingly high. However, it has one major drawback: the compressed gas cylinders require quite a lot of space, so that with the given vehicle dimensions, achieving ranges of over 500 kilometers is virtually impossible without sacrificing cargo space. This means that at 350 bar, there’s no direct range advantage over BEVs.
Manufacturers such as Daimler and Iveco are therefore looking to 700-bar technology. Stored in gas cylinders at a higher pressure, the hydrogen enables ranges of around 750 kilometers without any loss of cargo space. The requisite network of 700-bar filling stations for trucks is to be built on the EU’s core highway network by 2030 on the basis of the AFIR regulation.
Daimler is pursuing the most ambitious hydrogen storage technology. Hydrogen that has been liquefied under pressure at cold temperatures (LH₂) can be stored in special containers as a liquid. It’s comparable to LNG technology, where natural gas is liquefied under similar conditions. The high energy density of LH₂ technology should allow truck ranges of over 1,000 kilometers. However, as the liquefaction process consumes so much energy, this hydrogen storage technology is currently still the furthest away from widespread availability.

Costs make the difference
Hydrogen technology is also still lagging behind BEV trucks in a direct cost comparison. Because they are not yet in volume production, FCEV trucks cost more than twice as much to purchase (capex) as comparable BEV trucks. As for operating costs (opex), the factors that are particularly relevant are the vehicles’ energy consumption and the price of green hydrogen or electricity, including the costs of the refueling and recharging infrastructure. Price levels vary widely across Europe, however.
When operating times or ranges of well over 500 kilometers play a role in the calculation, hydrogen trucks could have an economic advantage over BEVs. If, for example, a lack of available fast chargers ties up valuable driver time for recharging BEVs, or if it’s not possible to operate BEVs 20 hours a day, then the hydrogen truck could have the edge in terms of overall costs due to its short refueling time of around 15 minutes.
Providers of hydrogen trucks urgently need to clarify the refueling standards so that investments can be made in expanding the infrastructure and volume production can begin. This is the only way for the hydrogen truck to do its part in mitigating global warming. In DACHSER’s view, logistics needs all the zero-emission technologies that have been approved for road freight in the EU. The discussion of the merits of BEVs versus hydrogen vehicles can often be heated, but one thing holds true: it’s not a question of “either/or,” but rather of “both.”
Author: Andre Kranke, Head of Corporate Research & Development at DACHSER