
Updates about Ningbo Beilun Port

Due to COVID-19 alert, there has been a temporary closure of the Ningbo Beilun Port. The situation is now improving and the following updates have occurred:

  • In general, restrictions within the Beilun district have been gradually easing since October 24, 2022.
  • Certain areas in the district have been opened and served as a “green channel” allowing FCL and LCL trucks with permits to enter and exit the sea port area.
  • More and more truck drivers are granted "green code", a permit that allows truckers to pass through highway checkpoints and enter the port.
  • Facilities or logistics companies on the white list and with traffic permits are starting to resume operations.

With the easing of restrictions, DACHSER in Ningbo has taken the following actions to facilitate the movement of cargo:

  • For LCL, the warehouse of DACHSER has resumed cargo receiving since October 24, 2022.
  • The teams of DACHSER have been giving guidance to suppliers for applying traffic permits or other necessary passes so that they can deliver cargo smoothly to the warehouse. The process for application may take time, but it is gradually moving.
  • For FCL, the trucking situation has improved and is almost back to a normal level.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your usual DACHSER representative for information about your shipment.

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