“supportDACHSER” – New compliance reporting system goes live
DACHSER has created an additional route for reporting breaches of compliance rules by setting up the “supportDACHSER” system, which goes live on October 1, 2021.

It is incumbent upon DACHSER as a company to prevent any and all forms of criminal behavior within its sphere of influence. Potential offenses should be detected early on and investigated with the necessary sensitivity. DACHSER enjoins its employees, business partners, and the general public to be forthcoming with us in sharing any misgivings they may have in relation to critical activities or suspicions of serious misconduct involving our company. Information can help ensure that severe violations are tackled at an early stage. This serves to protect not only the individuals involved, but also the company and its business partners.
Basis of communication for continuous exchange
“supportDACHSER” is accessible at all times to the DACHSER organization and the general public via the DACHSER website and through all country homepages. It guarantees full anonymity when needed, meets all data protection requirements, and fulfills the highest technical security standards. By means of incoming reports, potential misconduct can be recognized early and dealt with. With the option of setting up a protected mailbox, a communication structure is created that allows continuous exchange between DACHSER and the whistleblower. As such, the platform plays an important part in protecting the company, its employees, and its business partners against damaging actions and conduct with serious negative consequences for everyone concerned.